Negotiating a Trip to California With My Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Negotiating a trip to California with my spouse

I lived in California for more than four years and all of my dearest friends still live there. When I moved to Washington DC I planned to revisit California frequently but I became absorbed in my schooling and never had the time to plan a trip. After my marriage I made an agreement with my wife to never travel on my own, except for work-related reasons. My negotiation will be a challenging task because my California trip involves me traveling alone for several days without my wife.

Negotiation Purpose:

There are several reasons motivating me to travel to California, which are:

I am really stressed about school and I need some time to spend with my old friends.

I need to get some of my textbooks and house supplies that I stored at my friend's house in California.

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I want to visit a close relative and personally express my sympathy for his recent loss.

I have a one week holiday between my school quarters and I want to exploit it and have a break from my surroundings.

I found several good deals for a roundtrip package.

I want to visit several universities that offer PHD programs in the field of Information systems.

Negotiation Approach:

I consider this negotiation to be a win-win, because I will provide my spouse with a set of options that may benefit her. My wife loves to travel to New York City because her older sister lives there with her two nieces. In addition, most of my wife's high school friends are attending universities in the same area. She likes spending time with them since she recently moved to Washington DC with me and has not made many….....

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