NHL Conflict Over Possible Sale and Relocation Term Paper

Total Length: 709 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Phoenix Coyotes

I'm here today to discuss a topic many of you may be passionate about, and the rest of you probably have no interest in. That's the bad news. The good news is; I'm going to try to help you get a little excited about hockey, even if you don't know the difference between a stick and a puck. In May 2009, the Phoenix Coyotes of the National Hockey League, claimed bankruptcy. As a result, two competitive offers to finance the team emerged. One was from a Canadian businessman, the other from the NHL itself. This month, a judge ruled against both parties, leaving the hockey team in limbo, and outrage in the hockey fan community. (Yes, there is such a thing, and not just in Canada.) Here's what happened.

The sources of the conflict were the inability of the Coyotes to maintain operating costs and continue playing with a small fan base. (Gee, what a surprise), between the league, the team, and the players. In retrospect, several teams across the United States had declared bankruptcy.

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(There's no audience for ice hockey in Los Angeles or Phoenix? How odd.) The other source of the conflict was between the team and its creditors, and who were considered creditors by the courts.

There were numerous parties involved, of course, from the NHL league itself, to the fans, creditors, and the courts. Officially, it was the National Hockey League vs. Jim Balsillie, who wanted to move the team to Hamilton, Ontario Canada. However, there were several other parties involved in the conflict that often don't come into mind. First were the fans. Yes, there are hockey fans just as passionate and devoted as any fanatic football or basketball fans, and with the judge's decision, they were robbed of their favorite sport. Another contingent that doesn't get much press are all the people that work either full-time or part-time for the hockey teams across the country. These people, the ones you don't think about when you attend any athletic event, are the backbone of the fan experience. Ticket takers, announcers, fan store clears, food vendors,….....

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