Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests, Including Thesis

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Total Sources: 2

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For example, at the end of a history class' unit on the Revolutionary War, a summative test would asses how much the student had retained about this critical period in the nation's history. It would measure the student's effort and the teacher's relative success in imparting knowledge to the student.

In contrast, a formative assessment like a quiz measures what is currently being taught in class. It measures the student's learning as a work-in-progress, to show the teacher what the student does or does not understand. It functions as a potential wake-up call for the student, in terms of his or her present state of learning.

Stuck Writing Your "Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests, Including" Thesis?

In math or foreign language classes, it is essential the teacher knows if the student is uncertain about a particular concept, given how learning is scaffolded upon previous knowledge in these subjects. Formative assessments are particularly critical in these two areas of teaching.

Survey tests provide the broadest assessment of student knowledge, ability, or interest, such as a general survey of word knowledge to assess a student's readiness to embark upon a particular course, or a career interest survey to assess the student's likelihood of succeeding or enthusiasm for embarking upon different types of careers (Types of tests, 2009, Education Oasis).


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