Nursing Critical Appraisal of Psychometric Essay

Total Length: 904 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Reliability was tested using the internal consistency measure. Cronbach's alpha test conducted showed that the Resourcefulness scale has an internal consistency of ? = 0.78, a value which is well within the acceptable range of values for this kind of test. Results of the test also showed that even if one of the eight (8) items in the Resourcefulness Scale, the Scale would still yield the same test value, proving that indeed, the Scale is reliable when tested on an inter-item or per-item level (Zauszniewski, 2010:12).

Results and values yielded from the validity and reliability tests generally prove that the Resourcefulness Scale is a good quantitative measure of resourcefulness. However, it is just as important to note that in addition to the significant relationships generated between the resourcefulness construct and its measures, the secondary analysis itself is a challenge for the authors who conducted the study. This is because an 8-item Resourcefulness Scale is more vulnerable to getting weaker validity test results, as statements are aggregated together to create more general, specific concepts that represents resourcefulness as a construct. However, the significant relationship that resulted from the analysis, as well as the two factor loadings generated from the factor analysis, showed the strength of the Scale (Zauszniewski, 2010:16).

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That is, its items are clearly defined and mutually exclusive -- indeed, a valid measure of resourcefulness, useful for both academic and practical purposes (Hansen, 2005:167).

The strength of the scale, however, can also be weakened by one of the fundamental pillars of the tests conducted, which is the source of the data used for the secondary analysis. Since the study used for the psychometric testing only has a sample size of n=60 and is restricted to the respondent group of females aged 21-65 years old only, the results cannot then be as conclusive as the study would like to establish. A greater challenge for the authors and researchers is to conduct validity and reliability testing to a larger sample. This recommendation will ensure that the values and test results reported in the study will indeed be replicated and be further verified, perhaps with even more reliable and accurate statistical values. Moreover, the use of primary data sources -- that is, data generated from a survey conducted by the authors -- shall help determine the fidelity of the data and in effect, the results and values that will be generated from it (Burns, 2005:434)......

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