The Nursing Image Discussion Essay

Total Length: 791 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

Page 1 of 3

My perception of change theory has broadened. I have found relevance of this particular theory in today’s dynamic nursing environment – particularly when it comes to adopting technological advancements. It is important to note that the growing prominence of computer assisted devices could for some reason overwhelm some of us who are yet to internalize changes in the healthcare environment. A good example of this is the adoption of bar-coded medication administration, whereby the patient is equipped with a scannable ID badge which a nurse could scan against drugs, and instantaneously verify the prescription on the basis of the patient’s records, effectively avoiding medication errors. The introduction of such technology could invite anxiety and perhaps resistance to change (Glasper, 2016). Lewin’s change theory could come in handy in seeking to let go of the regular way of doing things, and inviting a new mindset that not only welcomes but also promotes change.

Part 2

The leadership model I would support is transformational leadership. I am in favor of this model because of the role it plays towards the initiation of change at the organizational level. Given the dynamic nature of healthcare in the U.S., the relevance of transformational leadership cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given the key role effective nursing leadership plays towards the optimization of patient outcomes.
When it comes to communication techniques for patient-centered care, it is important to note that “the nurse-patient interaction is a core component of nursing science and high quality nursing care” (Cohen, 2007). Two of the techniques I would identify with are giving recognition and active listening. While the latter makes use of cues (verbal or nonverbal) like a head nod to keep a discussion going as a nurse scouts for the relevant info, the former involves the acknowledgement of the behavior of a patient so as to encourage the accomplishment of a routine task. Both approaches enhance trust between patients and nurses and improve treatment outcomes.

Part 3

“The nursing profession remains one of the most trusted vocations, and as a matter of fact, it has been rated as such several times in the past” (Tabufor, 2017).

Professionalism in nursing involves, amongst other things, maintaining good working relations with professionals so as to ensure patient outcomes are optimized, while at the same time ensuring accountability and excellence.

“In general, in seeking to….....

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