Nursing Practice, the Author Demonstrated How Outcomes Article Review

Total Length: 391 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

nursing practice, the author demonstrated how outcomes research is becoming an efficient method of determining intervention effectiveness and success in the healthcare practice and setting. Resnick's article focused on describing the procedure of outcomes research and its implications to healthcare practice and applications to nursing research. Outcomes research is anchored on the discipline and systematic method of determining intervention success by identifying "improvement in health behavior practices" prior and after the given intervention to the patient (507).

A critical and very important aspect of outcomes research is that the process itself is not clinical or experimental in nature.

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Instead, to remain true to the practice of healthcare provision in a hospital or clinical setting, data is collected as the intervention happens. That is, the whole research process is integrated as the healthcare service or intervention is provided to the patient / subject / participant for the study. This for me is an interesting aspect of outcomes research, because it tries to reconcile the need of a researcher to collect "authentic" or valid data as the intervention happens. The author also acknowledges that confounding variables could affect the results of the research, but this….....

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