Nursing Role Development Essay

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Masters-prepared Nurse's Role: Questions

Describe the masters-prepared nurse's role as advocate for the nursing profession.

Historically, nursing has seldom garnered the respect it deserves as a profession. A masters-prepared nurse is capable of performing many of the functions of a physician. The technical preparation and level of specialty confounds stereotypes of the nursing profession as merely a 'helper' to doctors.

Describe the masters-prepared nurse's role and responsibility in professional activities.

As well as technical duties, APNs are often called upon to act in managerial capacities. The nurse must balance the needs of the organization with the demands of patients and the role of the nurse-practitioner. The masters-prepared nurse has a responsibility to stay on the cutting edge of professional literature, including updating his or her credentials; reading publications; and becoming a member of professional organizations.

713.1.2-03: Describe the masters-prepared nurse's role in maintaining continued competence.

Healthcare is a constantly-changing field. The masters-prepared nurse must keep her credentials updated to satisfy the legal requirements of her profession but should also embark upon personal education as a critical component of his or her working life. The nurse should also strive to learn (formally and informally) from other colleagues in the capacity of both a mentor and a mentee. The nurse should continue to take courses to formally add to credentials through academic training and avail herself of existing periodicals and peer-reviewed journals.

713.1.2-04: Describe the masters-prepared nurse's leadership role within the profession.

The masters-prepared nurse sets an example in terms of his or her professional composure and attitude. Because of the nurse's level of professional education, he or she often has a variety of additional responsibilities to fulfill. The nurse also has a role in acting as a public advocate for the profession when healthcare policy is decided, such as lobbying for an expanded role for nurses to contain healthcare costs (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Program Integrity, 2013, ANA).

713.1.2-05: Describe the masters-prepared nurse's role as a professional role model.

Given her prominent role, the nurse must strive to adhere to the spirit and letter of the law within the organization. The nurse must be on time, obey safety protocols, and show due diligence. She should also maintain a professional attitude towards colleagues.

713.2.2-01: Compare the concepts of personal values, societal values, professional values, organizational values, and moral values.

Occasionally, the nurse's personal values may conflict with those of her profession. She might be asked to treat a drug dealer for gunshot wounds or deal with a patient on birth control even though she is a practicing Catholic. The nurse's professional ethics and responsibility to….....

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