Nutrition for Healthy Body Term Paper

Total Length: 575 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Calcium potentiates the effect of estrogen and calcitonin on bone mass," (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998) and "Calcium and Osteoporosis" (New Zealand Vegetarian Society web site). Both articles, while dealing with the same issue, had differing viewpoints leading to my concluding that there are many more variables involved in the prevention of osteoporosis than depletion of calcium in the body.

The first article presents as fact the evidence of 31 studies that found that postmenopausal women who took estrogen had an average increase of 1.3% in spinal bone mass, while those who took a combination of estrogen and calcium supplements had an average increase of 3.3%. Contra to this, the second article refers to evidence extracted from a different body of research studies published by reputed journals such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Journal Clinical Investigation and Science magazine, to establish as fact that there is "no relationship between calcium intake and bone density.
" It is pertinent to note, however, that there is a marked absence of statistical data in the second article leading to some doubt over the foundation of the article.

Based on its evidence, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report concludes that there is a synergistic relationship between high calcium intake and estrogen and that the two work together to increase bone mass. Contra to this theory, the second article proposes that the answer lies in limiting calcium loss and suggests, "one major culprit in osteoporosis may be... Diets that are high in protein...cause more calcium to be excreted." The article does concede, "When replacement hormones are used, calcium supplements have been shown to be a helpful adjunct in slowing bone loss," but nevertheless presents as its major….....

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