Obesity Prevention and Treatment: Community Research Paper

Total Length: 572 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Preventive services

Budget constraints made it necessary to use grants and volunteers to staff the Cape May initiative, but by working within the community, RCE was able to create an effective campaign: for example, walking was stressed, given the low income and the need for affordable exercise amongst community residents. The community also began a collective dialogue to improve the quality of nutritional and physical education support within the large juvenile population.

Discuss overall community efforts to resolve this problem

RCE stresses the need for communities to help themselves. By staging conferences and working within the community, it strives to tailor its programs in a highly specific fashion. New Jersey is a densely populated state with many budgetary challenges: its geographical diversity, spanning rural areas in the south and urban areas in the north demands a targeted effort to effectively address community obesity.

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Discuss the community health nurse's role in solving this problem

Communities that lack widespread access to healthcare services such as Cape May County can uniquely benefit from the services of a nurse participating in a health-promotional campaign. Nurses can act as educators in schools to specifically target the problem of childhood obesity, and nurses drawn from within the community in urban areas can help to overcome possible community anxieties about dealing with administrative services. Flexibility is vital when dealing with the problems of obesity, as obesity is a common health complaint with many different causes at the individual, community, and national level......

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