Occupational Health and Safety With Term Paper

Total Length: 2184 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 15

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(Litebook, 2008)

Used in combating these symptoms is a product referred to a "Litebook." Litebook is a lighting product designed to combat shift work challenges. The report states that bright light, specifically in certain wavelengths has demonstrated in clinical research to assist the body's internal clock in the regulation of sleep patterns through the small use of 30 to 40 minutes immediately after waking in the morning. This product is stated to be used situated between 12 and 24 inches, or 30 to 60 centimeters from the face of the individual who performs shift work or those who are workers of irregular hours in order to enable the individual to "...feel more alert, energetic, and, in turn, notice an improvement in on-the-job performance." (Litebook, 2008) Also offered are Litebook glasses that block light by shielding the eyes facilitating the individual's body receipt of a signal that tells them this: "...is the end of your day." (2001)

The work entitled: "Bright Light Facilitates Circadian. Adaptation Among Night Workers at an Oil Platform" published by Litebook and the Research Council of Norway" relates an investigation of the effects of bright light treatment of workers at an oil platform in the North Sea and states finding that "Bright light treatment significantly reduced sleepiness at home." The number of days to adapt to night shift was not significantly reduced following bright light treatment, but the shift period with bright light was rated as better. At home, the number of days to readapt back to day life was reduced with bright light and the re-adaptation was also rated as better.

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" (2001) Further it is stated that in "...baseline recordings the workers reported an adaptation to night work within a few days, whereas the re-adaptation back to day life at home was reported to take longer." (Bjorvatn, Kecklund and Aekerstsedt, 2001)


Lighting in the work place has been shown to reduce the negative effects experienced by shift workers while promoting work place occupational health and safety. Shift work accompanied by irregular sleeping patterns in which the individual is unable to get enough sleep results in short-term work place hazards but furthermore has been shown in clinical studies to increase the individual's chances of depression and even cancer. (Harder, 2006) Exposure to bright light has been shown to shift nadir temperature, which results in a change in the plasma cortisol concentration resulting in positively affecting the individual's alertness and cognition in performing their work duties. (Whitehead, 1999) Physio-maladaptation among shift workers is an outcome of circadian dysfunction due to shift work. (Czeisler, 1990) Inappropriate phasing and Circadian Disharmony are two conditions known to arise among shift workers. Products available in today's market that have been shown to be effective in re-regulation of the circadian rhythm of workers include the Sunnex Biotechnologies Greenlight System and the Litebook System which are both scientifically-based products assisting workers both on and off the job in re-adjustments necessary to shift work. These new technologies provide the potential to greatly reduce health problems among shift workers and to bring about a reduction in work place occupational health.....

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