Odyssey Homer's Odysseus Is a Essay

Total Length: 605 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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However, when the Greeks reach their boats, Odysseus cannot help but once again proving his devotion to achieve glory wherever he goes, informing Polyphemus in regard to his true identity and thus infuriating the gods. This is Odysseus' biggest mistake, since it is because of this act that Poseidon is reluctant to let the Greek hero live, with the god of sea constantly stressing Odysseus and making his journey even longer.

3. Poseidon is obviously Odysseus's biggest enemy, given that he is in control of the waters and that Odysseus has no choice but to travel by water in order to reach his homeland. As Polyphemus' father, Poseidon is determined to punish Odysseus and struggles to prevent the Greek hero from achieving his goal. Poseidon's wrath could have been avoided if Odysseus had not insisted in revealing his identity to the Cyclops, who was thus enabled to inform his father concerning the individual who blinded him. In addition to Poseidon being his greatest "physical" enemy, Odysseus is his own enemy, considering that it is because of his character that he constantly gets into trouble.

4. In comparison to Mahatma Gandhi, one can consider that Odysseus' heroic character fails utterly, especially because of the fact that the Greek hero was too interested in himself. However, somewhat similar to Gandhi, Odysseus's life experiences taught him that he needed patience in order to emerge victorious from the challenges he came across. In contrast to Odysseus, Gandhi was dedicated to using non-violence as a main form of fighting for his ideals. The Indian hero was eventually murdered because of his convictions and because he did not use one of Odysseus' main abilities, that of fooling people......

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