Olympia Theater -- or El Thesis

Total Length: 306 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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It has also been very popular both with musical performers and their audiences throughout its history; artists as diverse as Elvis Presley and Luciano Pavarotti have performed on the Olympia's stage, and MTV continues to host events and concerts there on occasion.

Despite its popularity, however, the Olympia has faced some difficult times. In 1975, the theatre was scheduled for demolition, but was purchased by businessman Maurice Gusman a
nd donted to the city long with the historic Olympi Office Building next to it. The entire complex ws renmed in Gusmn's honor, nd erned plce on the Ntionl Register of Historic Plces in 1984. The thetre is still not entirely sfe from the clutches of time, however, nd creful restortion work on the ging building is constnt nd pinstking process -- but well worth the effort to preserve….....

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