Open Dialogue on Talent: The Thesis

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The social nature of a company -- whether it is a context of formalized and strictly professional exchange, an informal and friendly workplace where jocularity and casual dress are preferred, or something in between -- will have an impact on the types of team members desired. Therefore, the process by which one develops into a valued and respected member of the organization will be dependent upon the individual's ability to absorb and reflect the expectations formed by the office's atmosphere and by its dominant personalities. An organization should initiate orientation to these aspects of the company through the organic process of simply including the new hire into the social fabric of the company. The ability of the individual to achieve comfort therein will often determine how long the individual can be expected to remain a part of the organization.

Talent Management:

Once the individual has come to be socialized according to the unique nuances of the company, the likelihood of his or her longevity with the company makes it wise to include personality characteristics in a determination of future direction. For those that show a unique skill in terms not just of understanding the culture of the organization, but further in terms of seizing on its strongest features in order to refine and improve the social structure, it is appropriate to investigate advancement opportunities and projections for future service to the organization......

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