Open Systems Theory According to Research Proposal

Total Length: 916 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The Congruence Model for Organizational Analysis appears thorough in terms of both the internal and external environment. The model operates on the basis of inputs, throughputs and outputs, with the external environment providing feedback on inputs and outputs. The organization is regarded as a dynamic system, which is influenced by means of a number of variables. Of all the models, this one appears to be the most applicable to Walgreens.

Tichy's TPC Framework and Diagnosing Group and Individual Behavior are also regarded as particularly applicable to Walgreens, as a result of the significant influence of the environment. Tichy's model increases the complexity of the internal environment by recognizing that some relationships among variables are stronger than others. Environmental influence is recognized through inputs, outputs and the feedback loop. Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior focuses mainly upon human relationships within the internal environment. It is also assumed that there are minimal boundaries between the organization and external environment. While this model is also useful, its focus upon the human factor in the internal environment may be somewhat limiting.

Leavitt's Model, Likert System Analysis, the McKinsey 7S model and High Performance Programming on the other hand, are considered to be somewhat inappropriate when applied to Walgreens. However, some of the other elements in these systems might have some benefits when included in the diagnosis.

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McKinsey's 7S model for example includes the interactions within the internal environment to such a degree of subtlety that, despite its lack of focus on the external environment, it might usefully be applied to the internal complexity of Walgreens.

The other systems also have an element of internal interdependency, and these could each in turn be scrutinized for usefulness, as long as an external environment is provided. It is however also true that the models that do provide an external environment provides sufficient internal complexity so that it is not in truth necessary to include other models.

It is concluded that Tichy's TPC Framework is the most applicable to Walgreens. It includes sufficient complexity in its internal variables, as well as the relationship of these with the external environment. A company such as Walgreens Health Services operates in an extremely complex environment, not only in terms of internal operations and products, but also in terms of its relationship with the external environment. It is therefore vitally important that the model used for diagnosis is both sufficiently complex and addresses the elements within the organization in a targeted manner. Tichy's Framework accomplishes this......

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