Organizational Behavior Self-Directed Work Teams: Essay

Total Length: 600 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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This type of articles which detail an actual situation are relatively scarce as the theoreticians tend to focus on demonstrating the benefits of the implementation of self-managed teams, rather than actually offering a plan based on which the implementation could be completed, or revealing a real life situation with which the readers (and especially the managers or the future managers) can identify. This novel approach makes the article a valuable and interesting piece of reading.

What questions, concerns, difficulties do these reading raise?

The article was most likely constructed on a qualitative research methodology, which virtually implies the observation of the working community at the 3-M company. While the findings are relevant in the context analyzed, they cannot be extrapolated to characterize the entire business community. In other words, the difficulty would be that of proving the applicability of the findings and their soundness in the greater context.

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Relevance to course material, other observations and comments:

The article by Ron Williams has an important and dual importance. On the one hand sits the theoretical importance which is attributed due to the article's ability to pin point several of the theoretical concepts discussed in relation with self-managed teams. This feature leads to a first consolidation of the theoretical assumption, but secondly, it also opens doors to new research topics.

In terms of the practical importance, this is given by the fact that the article reveals a real life situation of self-managed team implementation. This supports the managerial act of practitioners by reducing the initial perception that self-managed teams are a mere theoretical concept. Yet, as this article has shown, the self-managed teams are a real life tool, which can be successfully integrated within the organizational context to generate a series of economic benefits......

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