Organizational Change the Connection Between Effective Strategic Essay

Total Length: 517 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Organizational Change

The connection between effective strategic leadership and a company's success has long been understood by studies in the last years. However, theoreticians chose to emphasize different aspects of how this connection appeared and why it was important. Some pointed to the fact that effective leadership is best applied in human resource management, giving way to efficient personnel, while others pointed out to financial organization.

Yukl (2008) offers a comprehensive study, looking at the influences of strategic leadership in different areas of an organization. He proposes relationships between strategic leadership and an effective organization in areas such as innovative adaptation, human capital, performance determinants, tradeoffs and synergies and distributed leadership.

Two particular aspects of interest from Yukl are worth a further investigation. The first is human capital, one of the key assets in an organization.

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Yukl emphasizes the role that effective leadership can play in underscoring this type of capital and putting it at work for the company. The final objective of effective human resource leadership is to obtain the most out of the human capital. This involves a number of complex phases, including recruitment, selection or motivation. In all of these, the organizational leader plays a fundamental role.

The second area of particular interest is the role of the leaders as performance determinants. This area seems to be an overarching framework to argue how leaders make organizations move forward. One aspect has been previously discussed, namely their role in dealing with human capital. Other directions include making the right decisions about management programs and the organizational….....

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