Organizational Communication Interview Overview -- Management in Term Paper

Total Length: 383 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Organizational Communication

Interview Overview -- Management in Health Care

For the purposes of this assignment, I interviewed an individual at a local hospital, to ask them, from a management perspective, what the challenges were in the present health care industry. Overall, when assured of confidentiality, the individual responded to me that health care presents some of the most difficult emotional and practical challenges, from a management perspective, for any management-level administrator. One of the most difficult organizational communication challenges is negotiating the completely different perspectives of the health care professionals in the arena of care, such as the doctors and nurses, with individuals at the hospital primarily concerned with cutting costs and fulfilling administrative, rather than care giving functions.

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However, even doctors, nurses, and other practitioners primarily concerned with care can be at odds amongst themselves. In today's cost-cutting environment, nurses are often called upon to perform the tasks of doctors. This can cause anger on the part of the doctors, and also anger on the part of the nurses who believe that their diagnostic and treatment capabilities are not accorded enough respect. Also, physician's assistants are increasingly asked to fulfill….....

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"Organizational Communication Interview Overview -- Management In", 15 November 2003, Accessed.16 June. 2024,