Organizational Framework for Manufacturing Technology Using Woodward's Essay

Total Length: 914 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Organizational Framework for Manufacturing Technology Using Woodward's Model

The Woodward model describes three organization designs including: small batch and unit technology, large batch and mass production, and continuous process production. Toyz is classified as small batch and unit technology. Toyz is classified as small batch and unit technology because it "manufacturers and assembles small orders to meet specific needs of customers (Daft, 256)." Although custom work is usually a norm of such an organizational structure, in the case of Toyz the creation of the products are not made to order but they are unique. In addition the manufacture of Toyz products is highly dependent upon individual operators as opposed to the process being highly mechanized. In addition the management system is defined as organic. An organic system simply means that they are free flowing and adaptive and requires the use of fewer procedures as opposed to being mechanistic.

As a result of the company being a small batch and unit technology classification, it can be determined that in order to be successful strategy, structure and technology need to be aligned. In the case of Toyz it is suggested that the entire company develop a strategy consistent with the overall vision and goals of the company. For instance, some of those in management are concerned because the current way that products are produced and the inability of the company to properly fulfill its orders.

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This issue exists because of the distribution process. If Toyz desires to produce the order accurate and on time it must adopt a distribution strategy that reflects this desire. Failure to do so will mean that the company will continue to experience this problem. To address the issue facing the company the structure of the company has to be examined and it must be determined whether or not the current structure is advantageous and consistent with the goals of the company. It is my recommendation that the structure remains the same but there has to be tighter controls and more accountability. For instance, it is recommended that the company invest in ways to minimize or eliminate altogether the odor on the premises. Doing so would assist with recruitment efforts and as such the problem associated with being able to fulfill orders. Once this correction is made the company might have the capacity to add additional distributors. However the internal functioning must be handled prior to such additions if this recommendation is to be successful.

This issue also seems to have its roots in the type of technology that the company utilizes in the order fulfilling process. The company must ensure that orders are properly recorded and that the company stays on schedule so that the products can be delivered at the proper time in….....

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