Organizational Problem Management I Am Term Paper

Total Length: 624 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Kylie Michaels is a supervisor in the quality control department of XYZ Corporation. She is an honest and dedicated individual. She had been promoted to this position within one year of her joining the firm. Kylie has now been with the firm for three years during which she has proved to be an efficient team player and an effective leader. However over the last few months, her behavior and performance at work have both suffered due to her recent divorce. While the company supports her and is trying to be there for her in time of personal crisis, it is a difficult for the management as well. There are two very important projects that Kylie is working on and with her current lack of concentration; the management is concerned that she might not be able to complete these projects on time. However if the company reassigns these projects, Kylie would feel even worse because she has been a very dedicated employee.

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The management has very limited options in this case. It can either reassign the projects or ask Kylie to concentrate better on work. However since there are risks involved in both, I feel the management should put another person in charge of projects along with Kylie without replacing her. It would show Kylie that her work is appreciated but at the same time the management would want to ease pressure off her by assign her a partner. The person would keep an eye on the pace of work being done on the project while he/she would also ease off tension resulting from Kylie's current crisis. It is important for the management to speak to Kylie about this in advance so she understands their viewpoint. They must show sympathy and act as if the partner is being assigned only to help Kylie and not because her efficiency is doubted......

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