Organizational Structure the Author of Chapter

Total Length: 620 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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There is also the use of project teams and committees that are in large part on a volunteer basis although the leaders that should or must be involved in certain projects are not having to have their arms twisted to get engaged. For example, a project that involves the accounting department would clearly need to involve the leadership and other senior members of the accounting team on one level or another. That all being said, stakeholders come in many forms and flavors and the formal leadership is far from being the only example and this organization understands and embraces that rather than shun it (Kalvar, 2003).

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Both formal and informal leadership will be present in some form in even the most regimented and established hierarchies and organization are foolish to try and stifle this. Instead, they should embrace the idea and harness this phenomenon in an effective and managed way. it's much like office politics in that it happens no matter the best efforts so it should be guided and used in a way that benefits the firm rather than harms it. Both office politics and informal leadership assertions can absolutely end up with either positive or negative outcomes depending on the manifestation and pattern......

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