Orlando Airport Might Join Ranks of Those Essay

Total Length: 634 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Orlando Airport Might Join Ranks of Those Hiring Private Screeners

Orlando International Airport has been in the news a lot lately as they are one of several airports in the United States at the forefront of the airport scanner and security pat down issues. Most people have heard of the issue, but for those who have not, it is quite simple: increased security needs at the airport have created a need for new and improved technology, and the new airport security screeners have been implemented in response to this issue. These scanners make an image of the outline of the body, much like an X-ray. If somebody has something stashed under their clothing, the scanner would show it. There are split opinions on the validity and fairness of these scanners.

Some people are saying that the scanners are violating their rights. They say that they are near pornographic in nature because they show such a detailed outline of the human body. They are also uncomfortable with the pat-downs that often follow the screening.

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Other people are fine with it. They don't see the problem, just as long as they are not carrying anything on the plane. Many of these people feel that if they are not bringing anything illegal on the plane, they have nothing to worry about. My opinion falls right in line with these people.

This article details Orlando's consideration of hiring a private security team instead of relying on the Transportation Security Administration to screen passengers. This consideration is partially in response to the outrage that people are feeling and expressing at the issue of the airport scanners.

In my opinion, this should not be necessary. Getting on an airplane is not a right; it is a privilege. There is one drawback that is worth considering, and that is that airports like Orlando International only have a limited number of screeners. Everyone has to….....

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