Outwitting the Outlaws by John Research Proposal

Total Length: 1706 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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It also points out the importance of private security in cases such as these, which could have prevented the situation from occurring in the first place. It is well written and researched, and the interviews all add depth and understanding to the article and its purpose.

In conclusion, the article makes it clear there are things anyone can do to avoid becoming a victim of kidnapping and most of them are common sense approaches. Hiring a private security firm will not guarantee an individual will not be kidnapped, but it does add another layer of protection around the family, and that is never a bad thing.

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It is also interesting that few foreigners are kidnapped, and Mexico could develop no-negotiation policies that might result in fewer kidnappings, even if they are so commonplace that they are accepted. Ultimately, it is up to the government to control crime, and when there are so many opportunities for corruption in the government, that may not happen for quite a while in the country......

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