Ovid's Influence on European Art Term Paper

Total Length: 950 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In literature, for example, we find this myth in the tragedy of Dr. Faustus, where the protagonist's fall is compared to the ambition of Icarus. In the visual arts this theme and myth is evident in famous paintings, such as, "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" (1558), by Peter Brueghel. Critics have noted that Breughel used many of the detail from Ovid's story in his painting -- thus proving the pervasive influence of Ovid. "Notice how he takes details of ordinary life from Ovid's language: the farmer at his plow, the shepherd leaning on his staff, the fisherman down by the water."

To further substantiate this point we can also refer the opinion of the poet, W.H. Auden, who stated that

Ovid is the source, not only of the story but also of a great deal of standard figurative language. Anyone needing a plot for a play or a classical allusion to spice up a pentameter could go immediately to Ovid's poem and find there more than enough to meet the need.

3. Conclusion

The above discussion clearly shows that that there is no doubt that to a great extent the development of European art in all it forms was heavily influenced by the works of Ovid, and especially by the collection of myths in the Metamorphoses.
A number of scholars also suggest that the repository that we find in books like the Metamorphoses are also a source of European consciousness and the needs, desires and hopes of the culture. This in turn is considered to be a primary reason for the use of Ovid as a source and a reference in art.

As suggested above, it can also be argued that Ovid's influence has extended to modern art as well. While the influence of his writing is clearly evident in the works of the sculptors and painters during the Renaissance, many claim that Ovid has had an indirect influence on modern art. An example is Pablo Picasso's illustration of the Metamorphoses......

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