Pablo Picasso a Spanish Painter Term Paper

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(Pablo Picasso: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Also he was very a possessive individual who had a love-hate relation with his old friends. (Pablo Picasso: A Passion to Create)

Even though Picasso was not a mathematician or a philosopher, the works he and Braque delivered between the years 1911 and 1918 was greatly bound to the perceptions of thinkers including Einstein and Alfred North Whitehead. Even before any Pop artists were born, Picasso held on to the magnetic influence of mass culture and how high art could refresh itself through particular vernaculars. Picasso then climed to the other end of the classical past, with his paintings of 'huge dropsical women dreaming Mediterranean dreams in homage to Corot and Ingres' showing that he as if he wanted to distance himself from those who imitated him. His 'classical' touch, which he would revert to for decades to come, could also be considered as a sign of independence. He was not attached to modern art, even though many considered him as the archetypal modernist. The thinking that art had its evolution or had any kind of historical process, was considered by him as ridiculous. He was also against the Expressionist thinking that the work of art attains its value by revealing the truth, the inner being. (Artists and Entertainers: Pablo Picasso)

Picasso's depiction of the German bombing of Guernica, spain is being considered as most his most famous work. This huge canvas depicted for several people- the inhuman, brutal and hopelessness pictures of war. (Pablo Picasso: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Several of Picasso's later pictures were on works of Diego Velazquez, Gustave Courbet, Eugene Delacroix, and Edouard Manet- who were great masters of the past. Other than painting, Picasso had worked in various other media, making several hundreds of lithographs in Atelier Mourlot - the famous Paris graphics workshop.
Ceramics also caught his attention and in the year 1947, in Vallauris, he created around 2000 pieces. (Pablo Picasso: Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society) Pablo was greatly productive that he created almost 3 paintings in a day which made some of his critics to think that his work was superficial. (Artists and Entertainers: Pablo Picasso)

In spite of criticism, Picasso painted things the way he witnessed them and what he felt about them. However the way he saw things was not always the way as they really were. (Pablo Picasso: A Passion to Create) Thus in his work, almost all aspects are based on sensation and desire. His aim was not to argue coherence but to be with the strongest feelings. He ventured his feelings with great plastic force, making one understand the weight of forms and the tensions involved in their relationships by drawing and by means of tonal structure. Like Matisse or Pierre Bonnard, Picasso was not a great colorist, but through means of metaphors, he crammed levels of meaning to deliver flashes of revelation. And in the process, he transformed one of the currents of modern art. (Artists and Entertainers: Pablo Picasso)

During his last years specifically, his production took on obsessive quality, as if the creative act could stop death, but it could not. His death left the public with the need for a genius in the field of painting that no talent today can satisfy. (Artists and Entertainers: Pablo Picasso) Pablo Picasso would be remembered and would be famous since he dared to be different from others. (Pablo Picasso: A Passion to Create).....

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