Paraprofessional Supervision Mckenzie, A., & Thesis

Total Length: 339 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

According to 62.8% of the teachers supervising paraprofessionals in classrooms, the paraprofessionals with whom they work do not provide direct instruction. But 54.2% of the paraprofessionals stated that they do provide direct instruction in core curriculum areas. This troubling lack of consistency is alarming, moreover, the classroom size of the teachers made no difference in terms of the level of instructional support the paraprofessionals were called upon to perform, according to both teachers and paraprofessionals.

In the study of paraprofessionals, 107 of whom provided complete, usable responses to the Internet survey, although 68 of the paraprofessionals reported attending training sessions in Braille, 44 believed the required additional training in that area to be effective.

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Yet 18.8% of teachers and 29% of paraprofessionals reported they were called upon to perform direct instruction in language arts to visually-impaired students. Overall, although the study is small, the article provides an alarming heads-up regarding its central thesis that the "growing use of paraprofessionals in supporting the education of students with disabilities has….....

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