Parmigianino's Antea Any Visit to Term Paper

Total Length: 321 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Beyond the intrigue posed by the painting, the work itself is indicative of Parmigianino's mastery of the paintbrush. Parmigianino has a painting style that is grand, sweeping, yet also quite graceful. You can tell he was influenced by painters like Raphael, but in a painting like Antea, he manages to restrain himself - he never goes overboard in the presentation of the woman. He manages to render her as a subtle beauty. Her pale skin seems to shimmer in the light, while her elegant golden dress establishes her as a person of nobility and importance.

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While at first glance it seems to be a posed portrait, it is actually a lot more clever. The woman in the painting has just removed one glove and is apparently in the process of removing another when she is interrupted. In this sense, the painting works almost like a well composed modern photograph......

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