Passions in Life Are My Essay

Total Length: 562 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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My success in those challenging courses also contributed to my growing sense of confidence in my academic abilities to pursue this highly-competitive area of study in the future.

As an Asian-American, I am most interested in liver research projects such as those of Dr. Tong and Dr. Corey, because so many Asian-Americans are afflicted with hepatic problems, including some of my very close family members. Likewise, I am interested in molecular pathology research, such as that of Dr. Imam, in relation to the identification and accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases through molecular markers. These areas are especially meaningful to me because of the experiences of some of my close friends and family members who have been diagnosed with various forms of cancer.

More particularly, I hope to explore and eventually contribute to areas such as Hepatitis B treatment algorithms (including screening for viral mutants), the epidemiology of Hepatitis ailments among Asian-Americans, the clinical study of hepatocellular carcinoma in Hepatitis C patients treated with interferon, the analysis of clinical progression in patients with normal ALT chronic Hepatitis C, the clinical characteristics and follow-up of inactive carriers of Hepatitis B, and the treatment of HBeAg positive chronic Hepatitis B

Naturally, I realize that I am still in the relatively early stages of my academic career.
On the other hand, I believe that I have already demonstrated my ability to benefit from and contribute to a program as challenging as HMRI. I look forward tremendously t the opportunity of inclusion in….....

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