Patterns of Interaction Term Paper

Total Length: 451 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Group Interactions

Social scientists often state that there are four models of group interaction, models of pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide. These models exist on a sliding scale in terms of the degree of positive relations they exhibit between the dominant or hegemonic group and the minority or less powerful group involved in the interaction. In the first interactive model, that of pluralism, there is the smallest gulf of power between the majority and the minority group, or the most powerful and least powerful group in the dynamic. In a pluralistic state of interaction, no single group's set of values or one group truly dominates another group's set of values. This is a kind of mosaic model of group interaction, as is embraced in Canada, where a multitude of linguistic and ethnic groups are all considered equally 'Canadian,' and is also a model of interaction theoretically embraced within many American universities regarding student diversity.

In America as a whole, however, the assimilation or melting pot identity model has tended to dominate, whereby newcomers and minorities are asked to adopt certain cultural norms and mannerisms to become part of the majority-dominated 'American' whole -- in such a past view, ethnic groups had to cast off their old ways, language, foods, and practices to become 'American,' either upon entry at Ellis Island, or, after the….....

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