PC Specification for Mini-Office Users This Paper Case Study

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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PC Specification for Mini-Office Users

This paper gives a summary of user requirements and a PC Specifications table for mini-office users. In addition, it identifies the user type and PC categories that are recommended. Furthermore, tables identifying and containing the hardware and software requirements for the users are outlined in the paper.

User Type and PC Specification Summary

The user type in this case study is an IT-based business; Computers R'Us. James is the manager at the firm; a small business which uses PCs to create products and services such as business cards, wedding cards and advertisements for various clients. This firm employs twenty people to help in managing several subscales of the business. In addition, the firm engages in part time deejay work in local clubs and restaurants and sells products such as audio and video music compact disks. The PCs are used to download music into the disks and customized as per user demands, schedule daily work programs and enter business inventories.

The firm requires 5 new desktop PCs because the current computers are slow and have limited storage capacity. The DSL is slow when used with the PC and the firm wants a PC that is compatible with the new software program; virtual deejay they intend to buy. Thus, desktop PCs are perfect for the firm since they can multitask and do not require constant moving once placed in the premises.

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Table 1: Hardware Table

Type of Device

User Requirement Met

Input Devices


Creating documents and calendars for scheduling work for employees and deejay job.


Creating documents and calendars for scheduling work for employees and deejay job.

Microphone and VGA Adapter card

Creating, editing and sharing audio and video files.

Output Devices

Multi-Function device

Printing documents, CD labels and work schedules.


Displays results during creation of documents for easy editing.

Storage Devices

Flash memory card

Storing and backing up the firm's entire music library. Storing files requiring printing and transfer to other users PCs.

USB flash drive

Storing and backing up the firm's entire music library. Storing files requiring printing and transfer to other users PCs.

Other Peripheral Devices


Printing documents, faxing customers and suppliers and photocopying services.


Used in creating files for sending via the Internet and calendars for scheduling work.

(PCs N. Dreams, 2012 )

Table 2: System Unit Features Table

Processor: Intel Pentium 4, clock 2.4 GHz

This processor will improve the computers functioning allowing for multitasking.


An increased RAM will enable PCs perform several functions concurrently on their computers. SDRAM has more speed than ordinary RAM;….....

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