People Ask Did I Always Want to Essay

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people ask did I always want to be an orthodontist, I say no. Until my senior year in high school I was a generic student. School was pleasant, not too difficult, and the social life was okay. However, you could say that is when I started to grow up, and that is when I realized that high school was about getting ready for my future. Schoolwork became less of a chore and I started to enjoy classes, a couple more than others. For example, I found that the things I learned in biology class really excited my curiosity and made me interested in learning more.

I was also lucky enough to have two exceptional teachers who helped me see that learning was fun. One in particular showed me how to see each class as an opportunity, as a door that I needed to pass through. Since then, whenever I take a class that I'm not sure I will get an A or B. in, I remember her telling me "Yes, Mary, that's the only way to get to the things you want that are on the other side." That kind of thinking helps keep me motivated.
It's one of the most important things I've learned so far.

Experiences like that during my last year of high school convinced me that I wanted to attend college and have an opportunity to learn other interesting subjects. I still was not sure what I wanted to major in, so I attended Prince George's Community College. My goal at first was to take classes that would count towards a degree. I realize now that I was hoping for a good foundation while I decided on the next step to take to further my education.

My decision to attend community college worked out well. Academically speaking, I have developed more confidence about taking the classes I need and believing I can succeed and do well. Prince George's Community College helped me grow in some other important ways too. I learned how to manage my time and how to prepare for….....

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