People Hypothesis Testing There Will Never General Essay

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Hypothesis testing

There will never general agreement on the qualities that define and separate good people from bad. However when considering this topic I believed that it would be useful to look at the traits of individuals that allow them to contribute to the development of society and also to form and keep good relationships with others. In fact, it is possible that good relationships actually form the basis or bed rock of good people.

A good man possesses a number of critical characteristics I will however identify just a few for the purposes of this assignment. The first characteristic is integrity. A good man will not say one thing a do something else he can be counted on to act in a honest manner even when no one is looking at him. For me integrity is a very important characteristic of a good man and without it, men may cease to be good at all.

Another characteristic of a good man is kindness. While this may seem to some people as more of a female trait, I see it as important for a good man to have this trait. Kindness is lacking in society and many people are very harsh and rough. There speech is very coarse and they leave people feeling worse when they speak to them instead of better. Kindness sets a man apart because he is willing to take time to be considerate of another person a do something that will make that person feel better about themselves. When people are kind they will often do what is not required of them and this is a special quality in today's world; where people will only do what is required of them. Because of this, I believe that kindness is a characteristic of a good man.

Finally, a good man will act in ways that are in keeping with the laws of the country and will encourage others to keep the laws also. I think that being a law-abiding citizen is part of being a good man. The laws of the country are designed to ensure that the society runs smoothly so that everyone will have a fair deal.

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Lawbreakers and criminals are a problem to themselves and the society. In my view, you could not be a good man if you do not abide by the countries laws. Additionally, you should also encourage other people to abide also by the laws of the country. The good man uses his influence to encourage good behavior in other people.

A good woman has some special characteristics such as personal strength. Personal strength is important for a woman because there are so many challenges women face on a daily basis that if they are not strong they will not get very far in life. A good woman is able to relate to the challenges in her life and still be victorious. She has a never say die spirit and when faced with very difficult obstacles will do all in her power to overcome these obstacles. Personal strength also means that she does not have to depend on anyone to get what she wants. She is very independent and is prepared to do what is necessary to accomplish her personal goal.

In addition to personal strength, a good woman will have control over her body. This is very important for women. The control over her body means that she dresses as she sees fit and is not overly influenced by television shows or fashion icons. The control over her body means that she is able to make decisions as to sexual behavior that is in keeping with her views of life. The control is also extended to exercising and eating healthy foods. A good woman is concerned about all the aspects of her body and is knowledgeable on many aspects. The body is used to….....

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