People Learn From the Very First Moment Thesis

Total Length: 599 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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People learn from the very first moment when they are conceived and throughout their lives the experiences that they go through provide them with the opportunity to enrich their knowledge. Many argue that history repeats itself, but the reality is that everything in a person's life is new and even though some events might be similar to happenings in the past, something is different about them. Life surprises people on a constant basis, taking into account that all of the occurrences that a person goes through assists him or her be better prepared to deal with future situations.

Planning is one of the most important concepts in people's lives and individuals have gotten accustomed to planning their future in order to obtain great results. This means that they spend most of their resources making sure that the future will be as they want it to be. However, many discover that things change over time and that the future is different from how they expected it to be.

Life is full of surprises and it would be absurd for someone to claim that he or she has not have a life-changing experience at a certain point in time. Society has gradually come to bring a lot of controversy around the term surprise, up to the point when people are no longer able to acknowledge when they are surprised.

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Some associate the idea of surprise with something significant happening and are thus unable to realize when they are surprised. Expecting the unexpected virtually means that a person acknowledges the fact that surprises are very frequent and that it is likely for particular things to happen differently from how they expected them to.

It is intriguing to see how many persons planning their lives also take into account unexpected events and thus….....

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