Perception and Learning When a Essay

Total Length: 357 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Depth can also be measured through accommodation of the eyes, as the eyes constantly have to adjust their lenses in order to focus on specific objects.

4. In order to classically condition a dog to blink his eyes when the phone rings, (considering the fact that the dog usually blinks when compressed air is released through a puff), one has to puff at the moment when the phone rings. If this is done several times, the dog will automatically associate the phone ringing with blinking its eyes.

5. In order for the children at the local day care to wash their hands every time before taking lunch, one has to present the children with the outcome that their performance would have.
For instance, if the children were to be rewarded for washing their hands, they would wash every time before lunch. Also, the same thing would happen if they were to be sanctioned for not washing their hands.

6. Reinforcement works better then punishment because it prevents both the person reinforcing and….....

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