Perfect Fit As a Billing Coordinator for Essay

Total Length: 569 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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perfect fit as a billing coordinator for GE. The role of a billing coordinator involves multiple tasks including billing support, presentation and communications preparation, close interaction with internal and external customers and documentation and process control. I am possessed of exceptional communication skills and am experienced working with diverse populations. In addition I exude a tremendous level of energy in all that I do and generally work well in a diverse and multifaceted environment. GE offers just such an environment to work in. I believe GE will afford me the opportunity to work in a diverse setting where I am challenged every day to rise above ordinary to the level of extraordinary. For this reason and many others I am anxious to form a long lasting relationships with GE corporation.

There are many reasons I have selected GE for my internship. GE is one of the world's most dynamic environments to work in. GE is more than a company; it is a dynamic world force that supports individuals and community members in multiple ways. GE encourages imagination at work and encourages employees to continue learning throughout their career.

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I am confident that I will grow personally and professionally as an intern at GE.

GE is also company that is expanding business in developing nations. GE dedicates itself to solving world problems. GE's humanitarian efforts make the company exponentially appealing for young professionals looking for the opportunity to gain exposure to a diversity of conditions and communities. The company participates in philanthropic activities and actively volunteers in the community. The company has donated money to help promote healthcare in Africa and has donated millions of dollars to support global communities in need. In….....

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