Personal Experience Reflection the Informal Essay

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Another interesting aspect of the experience is that I was aware that I was learning. In that I knew that I was acquire more knowledge about technical stuff. What I was not aware of was the depth of knowledge I have acquired on my own. This only became clear when I attempted to do the A+ examination. I could do the examination without any type of formal schooling on the subject. The examination was attempted just as a dare but I became aware of the quantum I had learnt through that experience. Additionally, when I spoke to professionals in the field who had years of schooling, I could understand what they were talking about. I was also at times able to suggest solutions to problems they faced that they did not think about. I felt that I was becoming more divergent in my thinking and knowledge acquisition process. This feeling spurred my on to learn more even though there would be no certification what I was learning.

This understanding of informal learning has alerted me to the possibilities that exist in every sphere of life for learning. In my particular job I have come to understand that I should be more willing to engage in different activities. The engagement in divergent activities, even those that are beyond my comfort zone provides a critical opportunity for informal learning. I also realize that I could learn from my peers by observing them teach, or listening to the solutions they have employed for better classroom management of problems.

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My students have also become a critical source of learning about my job. As I listen to them I gain new knowledge about the types of interactions they expect, and the most efficient ways to approach student teacher issues.

My initial conceptions about teacher student relations have limited the learning opportunities. I was of the view that the teacher was the source of knowledge to be imparted to the student. Additionally, I had a lot of confidence in the formal learning process. I considered the process to be superior to informal processes. These notions limited my immediate ability to learn informally. Upon reflection it is possible that many informal learning opportunities would have been ignored because of the limited value I placed on this approach.

Looking at Kolb's experiential learning model, I am convinced that I learn more by watching and doing (active experimentation and reflective observation), than the other approaches. In my job I was able to learn many skills from preparing lesson plans and marking assignments. The preparation of the lesson plan provided multiple opportunities to learn organizational skills and abstract thinking. There was also an element of empathy learnt as I considered how students would interact with the various components of the lesson. Learning informally is an important aspect of personal development and should be encouraged......

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