Personal Finance the Issue of Term Paper

Total Length: 648 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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It may also include goals concerning the attainment of education for the individual or their children. During this time the individual should establish both short-term and long-term goals (personal finance).

The third step in the financial planning process concerns itself with detailing how the goals set forth in step two will be accomplished. For example, certain expenses may need to be reduced and certain investments may need to be made (personal finance). Additionally, there must be detailed calculations concerning the investments and expenses (personal finance). The fourth step in the financial planning process involves the implementation of a financial plan. This step involves making the specific changes or investments determined in the previous step (personal finance). This step could also involve help from financial planners and advisors (personal finance). In addition, there are also software tools and websites that can aid people in this process.
According to the Journal of Accountancy companies such as Deloitte & Touche now have websites to aid in the personal finance process. The article explains that "Deloitte & Touche Online's Personal Finance Advisor offers publications and tips, financial analysis, information about preserving and transferring wealth and a tax planning guide. The site also features the Tax Week in Review, with current events from Capitol Hill (Smart stops on the Web, 2002)."The final step of the financial planning process is the monitoring of the implemented actions (personal finance). This means that if the individual has to carefully monitor the stock market and money markets depending on the type of investments that they have (personal finance).


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