Personal Statement for Pharmacy School Essay

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Personal Statement for Pharmacy School

Pharmacy School is highly important to me as part of my career path, and I believe I am both personally and professionally well-qualified to attend and be successful. I have work experience in the pharmaceutical field, having worked at my aunt's pharmacy in the past. This work taught me a great deal about pharmacy as a profession, but also gave me a lot of insight about how to properly treat patients and interact with others. I consider myself more well-rounded because of the interaction I had with so many people during my time at the pharmacy. I smile frequently, consider myself a nice person, and have developed a high level of patience with people from all walks of life. In 2000, when I was 17, I came to the United States and earned my diploma from Valencia High School. Just a week later I began attending the summer semester at College of the Canyons. I was a pre-pharmacy major, in the Honors program, and a member of Educational Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS).

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I also performed volunteer work in the pharmacy at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia and wrote a diabetes research paper for the Honors program. Additionally, I performed volunteer work such as walking and gift wrapping for the cancer society. I was a calculus tutor, and was offered my own workshop and a teaching assistant position. I transferred to Saddleback College in Orange County in 2003, and received my IGETC certificate to transfer to the University of California. I was rewarded for my high GPA and my involvement in the EOPS program. I became a member of the pharmacy club at Irvine Valley College, and also worked at Bank of America for four years. Since I enjoyed helping people so much, I was very good at customer service. In 2004 I transferred to University. I had applied to 10 different universities, and was accepted to all of them including UC Berkley, UCLA, UCSB, and UCI, among others.

I was concerned that my educational downfall may have come in 2005, when I experienced trouble in.....

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