Personal Statement for Physical Therapy Graduate School Term Paper

Total Length: 662 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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aunt's recent serious accident, though a terrible misfortune for her, turned out to be fortuitous for me. This incident propelled me to a conclusion on my decision to leave the field of Business and study Physical Therapy. It was becoming more and more obvious to me that my skills were not being utilized in a maximum way in the business setting. Although the mental challenges may have been satisfying, the pull to pursue a career that engaged me in more physical ways was getting stronger. My true introduction to the area of Physical Therapy came as I watched my aunt recover from her accident and as I became more involved in her rehabilitation. The significant role that Physical Therapy played in her prognosis impacted strongly on me. I could see that it was not only the recovery from the physical injures, but also the way the entire process affected her life. I was convinced that a career in Physical Therapy would satisfy the everlasting drive I have had to contribute to the well being of others.

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Being part of the process of my aunt's recovery gave me the opportunity to learn first-hand more about what being a Physical Therapist actually entailed. In addition, I used the experience to observe how the hospital and medical faculty functioned and managed their challenges. I came away from that experience with both a deeper understanding of the operations of the medical field and practical information. Both of these helped me to solidify my decision to divert from my original career path of Business.

Although I have felt limited in the field of Business, I do not believe that the time I spent studying and working in that area has been to no avail. As with any undergraduate study program I was able to develop my study skills, research skills and writing skills. I graduated cum laude (3.42GPA) with a B.Sc. In Global Business while working full-time and financing my own education. The lessons….....

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