Personality Test Results: The Administrator the World Essay

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Personality Test Results: The Administrator

The world is filled with millions of very different people. In fact, no two people are ever truly alike. This means that in the contemporary work environment, there are people who may share your views and work habits, but also those who may be staunchly against them, presenting their own very different philosophies on work and on life. After taking a personality test, I found that I am an ESTJ, an aggressive and detail-oriented personality type that is the exact opposite of the INFP, who are more laid back and flexible. Still, I will undoubtedly encounter those personalities that are opposing to mine, and it is important to understand how I can bridge the gaps between us in order to effectively and efficiently get projects completed within the contemporary engineering industry.

After taking the personality type test, I found that I was an ESTJ personality type. This makes me what is known as the administrator, which is about 8.7% of the population. The test results showed that I am 54.29% extroverted, 60% sensing, 52.78% thinking, and 52.78% judging. I am more extroverted and aggressive than I am introverted and laid back. These are very interesting results that give a very solid picture of who I am in life, but also who I am as an engineering employee.

When examining my personality type in greater detail, I got a greater sense of what my personality type stands for. Essentially, the research suggests that "your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically" (BSM Consulting, 2012). In this, it is clear that ESTJs look at the world around them and use its principles to guide their own behaviors and practices, both in the work place and in life in general. They use universal rules that have been tried and tested by others in the past with proven success.

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From this logical perspective, they can build very effective arguments to back up their chosen strategies, which are based on rational facts and data. This allows ESTJs to be much more aggressive in their approaches to projects because they have a very strong base and foundation for their work. Their logical natures combined with their sheer passion and aggression helps make them very efficient workers. They are highly energetic and passionate, allowing them to really step into their roles and execute their responsibilities with enormous successes.

The strengths of an ESTJ blend seamlessly with the demands of a contemporary engineering position and the workload that entails. Again, the research posits that "ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs…with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically" (BSM Consulting, 2012). Their constant attention to detail helps them see issues in designs and perfect them before they can be blown out of proportion or cause major problems in the execution of implementing particular projects. They are also very externally driven, being incredibly aware of the external environment around them that has such a huge influence on the intimate details of a project. From this highly deductive intuition, "they are extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task" (BSM Consulting, 2012). ESTJs see the smaller interactions between the parts within a larger project. They understand how these smaller pieces work together to make the entire whole work successfully. This is a huge advantage in the field of engineering, and one which cannot really be taught. Thus, these innate abilities should help go far in my journey in the engineering field.


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