Personalized Training and Medication Analysis Essay

Total Length: 1632 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Personalized training is centered on patient evaluation, willingness to be taught, patient’s needs as well as those of the family members. Prior studies have supported this model of personalized training as it is considered successful compared to other models in use. Well planned training leads to a substantial amount of knowledge acquisition compared to informal teachings. In a United States study, it was observed that 60.0% of invalids who obtained communal training as well as 59.5% of invalids who got personalized training performed impressively than the patients who got normal checkup. Education geared towards patients entails group work. Diverse practitioners of multidisciplinary programs on health ought to conduct the trainings as per the required competencies (Feinberg, 2014).

Safe and Successful Use of Medications

Apart from being consumed on their own, benzodiazepines can also be taken together with other conventional medicines which curb psychotic behavior. Oral intake of benzodiazepines leads to their absorption in the gut before being broken down in the liver. They are extremely soluble in fat thus they build up in fatty tissues. Benzodiazepines are released through sweat, saliva, urine, stool as well as breast milk. They are highly operational in the cerebral matter, creating an influence on emotive responses, recollection, reasoning, self-consciousness, muscular elasticity as well as dexterity. Benzodiazepines improve movement of the neurotransmitter Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA). Neurotransmitters refer to the elements which facilitate transmission of electrochemical pulses from one brain cell to another. They are released electronically. Upon release, they pick up the passive or active behavior of surrounding cells. Benzodiazepines are to be administered for short-term use only. Long-term use of benzodiazepines creates drug addiction and the body develops resistance against its effects. The recommended dosage for benzodiazepines is a daily intake not exceeding 3 weeks (Tomlin, 2013).

Meals and Beverages

Alcohol – one of the side effects of psychiatric drugs is nausea. One should not take the drugs with alcohol, as this effect will be extreme.

Caffeine – the level of Clozaril in the bloodstream is modified by the consumption of caffeine and chocolate, leading to adverse consequences.

Grapefruit – consumption of grapefruit or its juice is considered to increase the amount of certain psychiatric drugs in the bloodstream (Cooke & Razzano, 2000).

Consequences of benzodiazepines

Short-term and long-term use of benzodiazepines has resulted to weakened control of blood pressure as well as loss of coordination.

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Loss of reasoning ability, poor recollection as well as dementia-like symptoms has been noted. Involuntary urination while sleeping is also prevalent due to reduced cognitive ability to identify bladder fullness as well as reduced movements. Adults who continually take benzodiazepines are prone to fluctuations in emotions and are susceptible to depression.

These drugs also seep through the placental wall into the fetus. However, there is no proof to establish the relationship between infant defects and the use of benzodiazepines in the gestation period (Tomlin, 2013). If you decide to minimize the dosage of benzodiazepines, it is imperative to consult your specialist. The…

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…important to avoid the use of direct terminologies regarding these conditions and instead use general phrases which prevent embarrassing moments in patients. For instance, “people who experience anxiety or depression tend to have unusual episodes of poor reasoning or hearing imaginary sounds. It is imperative to include the sufferer when developing those therapy programs to ensure there is successful collaboration (Bellack, 2001).

Patient Mandates

Individuals who have any form of suspicions about displaying symptoms of schizophrenia ought to seek consultations with mental experts as early as possible for a conclusive diagnosis. The importance of being in therapy even if the patient has overcome a chronic phase cannot be overemphasised. This is because 80% of patients who do away with therapy after a chronic phase develop deteriorating symptoms within 12 months. This is in contrast to only the 30% who deteriorate within the same one year but have remained in therapy even after experiencing a chronic phase (Bellack, 2001).

Follow-up Care

One crucial element in the restoration programs is the routine checkups. These checkups serve two key roles. First and foremost, they help to verify the consumption of prescribed drugs for the patients. Subsequently, they also enable the psychiatrists to establish when the medication needs to be adjusted as per the prevailing symptoms in the patient. Patients, relatives as well as those tasked with nurturing the patients ought to possess the required experience to undertake any emergency issues which may arise. They need to know the processes involved with nurturing the….....

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