Personnel Manager Role of Personnel Term Paper

Total Length: 548 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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It is important that the personnel administrator evaluate policies and procedures to assure that they are in line with the organization as a whole and conducive to an empowering and strong environment. The personnel manager also has the responsibility of facilitating an open communication policy that encourages sharing and fully informed knowledge sharing within the organization.

The personnel administrator doesn't simply work with other HR staff. The personnel administrator also works with other members of the educational team including staff and teachers. Thus the personnel administrator has the unique ability to see things from all points-of-view. The personnel administrator can best empower individuals by recognizing their skills and abilities and encouraging each member of the team to participate in all administrative actions as much as possible.

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HR Management is collective experience and one that requires that many people learn to work together despite different job functions in order to assure the best possible outcome for the organization. The personnel manager may take on the role of evaluator, mentor and recommend changes along the way to enhance the overall operations of the HR team.

The personnel manager may concentrate on many different areas within HR including recruitment, selection, assignment, orientation and maintenance of personnel records, morale and even retirement/tenure (Webb & Norton, 2002)......

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