Pfizer SWOT Pfizer -- a SWOT

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According to the Pfizer press release section of its website, discomfort associated with fibromyaglia, a common chronic pain condition, has been shown to be significantly reduced by a new drug developed by Pfizer called Lyrica, "according to study results presented today at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting" ("Lyrica Significantly Reduced Pain," 2007, Press Release). Pfizer has also developed a new AIDS drug called Maraviroc, which is likely to considerably improve and extend the life of AIDS patients who take the drug, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburg and Columbia University (Altman & Pollock, 2007).


Both Merck and Schering-Plough, two of Pfizer's greatest rivals, plan to combine forces and develop a medicine to rival Lipitor. "The planned drug, meant to reduce levels of the harmful type of cholesterol in two ways, could hit the market when Lipitor's patent expires in a few years" ("Merck and Schering-Plough Plan Another Cholesterol Drug," 2007, AP Wire) Merck also plans to develop an AIDS-fighting drug called Raltegravir, similar to Pfizer's new AIDS drug.(Altman & Pollock, 2007)


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