Philippines Trip Transportation by Air: Term Paper

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Two or three hour ride via private minivan or car available from MNL or from hotel to Batangas and short boat ride to Puerto Galera for a very nominal fee by U.S.

standards (Exact fees unavailable.) This is standard for island-to-island transportation throughout the Philippine Islands, because the U.S. dollar goes very far there for local goods and services. Exact prices and distances vary depending on the order of islands you choose to visit.

Plenty of water-related activities such as snorkeling and SCUBA diving is

Available in Puerto Galera. There is also a luxurious golf club (Ponderosa). Mangyan

Village tours, Jungle Trekking, and site seeing at the Tamaraw Water Falls. More detailed information and schedules are available at the hotels.

Bohol -- Activities (No Accommodation Information Requested):

Activities available in Bohol include visiting ancient caves and whale-watching tours. Some of the best SCUBA sites in the Philippines are available in Bohol, with links to detailed information on them available below:


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Cebu -- Only One 4-Star Hotel Available:

Marriott Cebu City


















Cebu offers many historic tourist attractions including Magellan's Markers, Fort

San Pedro, the Tops, and Olango Wildlife Sanctuary. Cebu also is known for some of the most beautiful beaches, cliffside views, and SCUBA diving in the Philippines.

Detailed information on these attractions and others is available through this link below:

Boracay -- Only One 4-Star Hotel Available:

Mandala Spa & Villas Boracay (Link Below)

Rate: $290.00/day (Every Day of the Week)

The waters surrounding Boracay are among the calmest and clearest in the Philippines. In addition to SCUBA….....

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