Pollen From Hazelnut Art Review Essay

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The other profound aspect of this sculpture is the added dimensions of experience. Not only can the sculpture be seen, the fresh pollen fills the air of the room, resulting in a sensual experience. When first being observed, it is easy to simply become overwhelmed in the experience and most viewers simply have the desire to slowly take it in and contemplate the beauty.

While the overall purpose of "Pollen in Hazelnut" is transcendatory and ahistorical, it is still important to consider the function and context that inspired Laib. "Pollen from Hazelnut" is a late 20th century piece. Germany is an established country and one on the cutting edge for technology and innovation, the very opposite of Laib's work. Whereas so many pieces from Germany during this time still possess insertions of the pain and struggle that Germany endured in the mid 20th century, "Pollen from Hazelnut" removes all forms of industry, war, conflict, and pain. It is this characteristic that attracts viewers to his works.
"Pollen from Hazelnut" reminds viewers that nature and the natural world transcend all human struggle and exist in spite of destruction.

The overall meaning and message of Laib's piece becomes even more clear when his biography and background are added into the equation. Laib lives in a remote region of Germany's Black Forest where he is surrounded by nature and cut off from the political and technological world. While his education is in medicine, he turned to art in the 1970's after a trip to India inspired his creativity and desire to reconnect with nature. All of these impacts can clearly be seen in his "Pollen from Hazelnut" which is a large, bright and overwhelming presentation of the natural world. An absolute contrast to the overwhelming world outside of the exhibit where technology and politics drown out so much of humanity's need for reconnection….....

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