Post-Racial Society Since Barack Obama's Research Proposal

Total Length: 499 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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9, compared to 8.4 for whites" (Statistics and Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2005). Moreover, the paper will examine other harbingers of economic robustness in addition to income, including net worth, income ranges, and unemployment rates. If America is post-racial, then blacks should be proportionately represented in the top 5% of wealthiest people and have median economic assets equal to those of whites, not simply have equal salaries. In the past, there has been a tremendous disparity, not only in income, but in asset ownership between the races.

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Moreover, in 2001, the median household income for White non-Hispanic households was $46,305, but only $29,470 for black households. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). Obviously, in 2001, America was not a post-racial society when it came to income. Comparing official census results from the census immediately prior to Obama's election and the census immediately following Obama's election will give a good idea whether American society has really transformed into a post-racial society, or whether the election of an African-American President is simply one step in.....

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