Precipitating Events Leading to Voluntary Dissertation

Total Length: 1366 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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While triangulation helps improve the dependability and the trustworthiness of the data, qualitative research findings are frequently difficult to transfer to other settings (Neuman, 2003).


Author-identified limitations, implications, and recommendations


Limitations of the study. Qualitative researchers are faced with some formidable limitations, and Von Hagel does a credible job in identifying these. Among the potential limitations cited by Von Hagel were the potential for dishonest replies by the interviewees and the potential for response bias which he explained in detail. The author, though, failed to change the future tense of his "limitations" section which appears to be taken from his proposal for the study (this did not substantively affect the content of this section).


Implications of the study. The analysis of the qualitative data that emerged from the interviews identified previously unknown precipitating events that compelled IT professionals to leave their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere. Given the enormous number of variables that could contribute to an individual's decision to leave one job for another, this is not all that surprising. Nevertheless, based on the relatively small number of participants, Von Hagel achieved his research goals in this regard.


Study recommendations. The previously unidentified precipitating event described by Von Hagel concerned instances in which an IT professionals' contract ended but there were further no job opportunities available specifically within the company which the researcher suggests represents a good basis for further research. In addition, Von Hagel indicates his findings showed that more than half (55%) of his interviewees identified the primary precipitating event for voluntary turnover as being offered a job for more money, but the research to date indicates that the industry average is just 9%, representing yet another avenue for further qualitative research.

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Application of methodology


Select the appropriate research design. The qualitative phenomenological research design selected by Von Hagel was appropriate for his study's purpose and objectives to gain fresh insights into the social lives and lived experiences of IT professionals and their career paths (Neuman, 2003). Furthermore, the methodology was applied consistently throughout the duration of the research.


Remain objective. Throughout the study, the author assumed a "Voice of America" type of narrative that was also consistently objective, which can be challenging for qualitative researchers (Neuman, 2003).


Anticipate and minimize the limitations. To his credit, Von Hagel also anticipated the several potential limitations to this study and took steps to minimize them through a triangulation that allowed the data to be examined from several points-of-view. According to Neuman (2003), "Triangulation is a term borrowed from surveying the land that says looking at an object from several different points gives a more accurate view of it" (p. 547).


The costs of replacing an information technology professional can easily equal or exceed a full year's compensation, making the need to identify ways to reduce voluntary turnover a timely and valuable enterprise. In his study, "Evaluation of Precipitating Events Leading to Voluntary Employee Turnover among Information Technology Professionals," Von Hagel presents a comprehensive overview of the problem, explains why it is important to study, and then goes on to do so in a qualitative fashion that served to identify previously unknown precipitating factors that can serve as the basis for future research. In addition, Von Hagel identified a significant disconnect between industry averages for the precipitating event of being offered a job for more money compared to the high levels he identified which also serve as the.....

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