Prejudice Has Prejudice in the Term Paper

Total Length: 639 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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This prejudice has abated since then, but still exists throughout the U.S.

Native Alaskans who attend a high school in this Western state interviewed their "elders," those living through the 1930s to 1950s, about the inequalities that existed. These individuals, too, were not able to go to certain movies or be served at local white-owned restaurants. Even in 2007, many Native Alaskans relate stories about the bigotry that exits within their state. A few years ago, several white students exploded paint balls at a Native Alaskan walking down the street. Native Alaskans also have less representation and responsibilities in the judicial system and receive, on whole, a lesser education than the non-Natives.

Economic differences occur in this country, as well, and these differences are becoming wider. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, with the more well to do having greater opportunities for a better education, healthcare services and services in general. According to the latest figures from the Internal Revenue Service, the wealthiest 1% of Americans earned more than 20% of all income in 2005. That means the richest Americans have surpassed the highs of the booming 1990s, according to the latest data from the IRS. If one is not certain that disparity exists, it is only necessary to compare the run down neighborhoods and schools, poverty, and crowded clinics in the inner cities to the newly built and pristine public schools, privilege and affluence, and modern healthcare surgicenters in the American suburbs.
Just because laws are passed does not necessarily mean that major changes occur. There has been and continues to be in the United States a number of people who see themselves as different and better than others.

This essay used compare/contrast strategies (e.g., with the inner-city vs. suburbs); description (the look of the inner city compared to the more affluent areas), narratives (the elders' stories about how they were/are treated) and….....

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