Preparing for a Successful Oral Presentation Professional Writing

Total Length: 961 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Oral Communications (chapter Summary)

For a new employee, presenting a company agenda to veteran employees and board of staff is an uphill task. A new employee is challenged predominantly by fatigue, stage fright, and improper knowledge on the subject matter. As a measure, it is substantial for the communicator to develop reliable and updated communication methods. This presentation analyzes the procedural presentation on what should be considered by individuals seeking to improve their oral concise presentation skills. It is evident that aspects like invaluable listening skills, note making, note taking, and fear management are essential considerations when one is preparing to have a successful oral presentation.

Listening Skills: Conversations in Small Groups and Large Group Discussions, Lectures, & Meetings

In the accounting profession, the authors have shown that interacting with organizational members within and outside the department is paramount. The employee should develop distinctive communication skills. This will involve listening attentively in the group and peer-to-peer communication. They have further identified a set of recommendations that a communicator must adopt. Clumsy speech orientation must be avoided at all costs. Issues related to rehearsing, uncontrolled cell phone calls, side conversations, and interrupting other speakers are considered unprofessional. The communicator must adopt some intuitive and apologetic phrases (May & May 2012).

Oral Presentations: Planning the Presentation, Analyzing the Purpose & Audience, and Other Things to Consider

The authors have emphasized the necessity of adhering to all professional requirements while speaking in public.

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Essentially, the communicator must be well acquainted with the information he or she is conveying. It is shown that professional presentation techniques require proper planning of the subject matter. Preparation must address the aspects that satisfy or try to satisfy the audience. This is based on the knowledge that the audience could be informed about the subject. The communicator commences by providing question derived answer approach (May & May 2012).

Oral Presentations: Gathering Information and Composing the Speech

For the purpose of professionalism, the authors have acknowledged the necessity using graphic materials and elements when someone is communicating. Graphs and charts look appealing to the audience community. For proper speech development, gathering information is essential at the primary level. Finally, communicators must identify the vital elements of the speech. This stage is important and the communicator must collect all information related to the topic. This will be helpful in ensuring that the topic being presented is addressed succinctly. The next stage will be useful in sifting the important valuable information that will be released to the audience (May & May 2012).

Making Notes & Preparing Visual Aids

Communicators must scrutinize the information gathered before releasing it to the audience. Results from a cognitive analysis will be presented in the form of notes. In order to reduce instances of clumsiness, the authors have specified that communicators must use short and concise elements like highlighting main points using bullets. Information must.....

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