President Charles Taylor Term Paper

Total Length: 869 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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George Bush & Charles Taylor

General Analysis; current affairs; George Bush & Charles Taylor"

The Objective of this paper is wholly to illustrate and depict what President Charles Taylor done to have been ordered by President George Bush to relinquish his power

One of the most significant and relevant happenings within the contemporary world has been, arguably, the achievement of ultimate global, strategic and military power by the United States of America, an occurrence that the country appears to be intensifying and fortifying in so much as enhancing the ostensible war on terrorism incepted as a consequence of the ghastly September 11th attack (s) on the WTC and the Pentagon.

Subsequent political influence

The U.S., as a result of contemporaneously being the nation wielding supreme power, finds itself in a position demanding monumental commitment and responsibility, such as resolving particularly deteriorative issues around the globe. This is something that becomes quite apparent when taking into consideration the degree of U.S. involvement within the Liberian revolts and riots that are currently sweeping across and massacring the land.

The current Liberian Issue

The U.S. finds itself in a rather problematic situation as far as ensuring that effectual peacekeeping measures be ensured within Liberia, something that is rather dramatically obstructed by the fact that the Liberian president, Charles Taylor, appears to have changed his mind in regard to complying with Washington's assertion that he relinquish his power (Jones & Hermant, 2003).

What's more, the issue is that it is Taylor who is ostensibly the root of the issue in Liberia.

The degree of bloodshed and violence that has ravaged West African nation of Liberia ever since embattled President, Charles Taylor led a coup against the former Liberian government in 1989 has led to the U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan's urging the U.S. To take the auxiliary role in restoring peace and order to the nation of 3.4 million people (Wiley, 2003).


In spite of the fact that Taylor has accepted the Nigerian offer for exile, he shows no sign of leaving the country that he plunged into brutal turmoil after launching a rebellion on Christmas Eve, 1989. Taylor has an exceptionally diverse past, something that is made more apparent when acknowledging the fact that, born in Liberia, he spent a decade in the Boston area, earning an economics degree from Bentley College in Waltham, Mass., and dabbling in expatriate Liberian politics; he later worked as a gas-station attendant and plastics-factory worker to support himself.

After a violent Liberian regime change in 1979, however, Taylor returned home and got a spot as a Cabinet minister in the….....

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