Preventing Disease Essay

Total Length: 757 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Health Map

The risk of a pandemic disease spreading throughout the globe is higher than it has ever been in the history of the world. The massive population boom and rapid travel methods have combined to demonstrate that germs and diseases are potential weapons against the health and welfare of the population. To help remedy this cause, technology has shown us that, with its proper implementation, it can have a great benefit to those who are designated to protect the population from such threats.

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of surveillance in the fight against such communicable disease outbreaks.
To accomplish this task, this essay will detail the benefits and limitations of the surveillance system HealthMap. This essay will discuss how this particular piece of technology contributes to minimizing and eliminating potential threats.


The HealthMap system is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a recommended resource by federal authorities. The organization published this about the technology: "HealthMap is a publicly available online resource that collects, filters, and visualizes disease outbreak reports in real time, by means of a series of automated text-processing algorithms......

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